
Monday, February 17, 2025

Round #5 - Partial Log Cabins

We are getting close to the end of the Stay at Home Round Robin!  Today it is Brenda's turn to tell us what to add to our quilts.  Brenda chose partial log cabin blocks.  You may want to do quarter log cabins, or you may want to use half log cabins.


Because I am doing my SAHRR sampler-style this year, I wanted blocks that stood well on their own.  Log cabins and their variation usually gain impact by being combined together; I needed something that didn't need multiple similar blocks together.  The first block I chose is a sort of log cabin flower.  I consider this a half log cabin because you build the block on two sides of center, as opposed to all four sides in a traditional log cabin.

For my second block, I made a log cabin heart.  I'm calling this a half log cabin because in my mind, the block is half heart, half log cabin!  You can interpret the prompt many different ways; that's part of the fun!


If you are sewing along, this week's link up is with Brenda of Songbird Designs.  Remember that every week you link up, you are entered into our prize drawing!  We have fabulous prizes:

Here is the mock-up of my quilt as it stands now.  There is only one round left.  Next week's it's my turn to decide what to add!


Here is the 2025 Stay at Home Round Robin schedule:


  1. You came up with fun blocks again this week. Can't wait to see the whole top. Love this setting!

  2. Your 2 log cabin blocks look great!!! This is promising to be a beauty of a quilt!

  3. Each week, the additional blocks continue to make this quilt sing! What a clever way to use the log cabin blocks!

  4. Very clever thinking Emily. I really like your blocks for the log cabin prompt. It is one of my favourite blocks.

  5. Clever choices! I really like that woven heart block.

  6. I love the log cabin flower. It's coming together nicely.

  7. Your blocks are beautiful, as is the layout of your quilt! See you on Monday for the last prompt ;)

  8. Love this quilt. Your log cabin constructions are particularly creative. Can't wait to see how you finish it - Laura Kate, Daily Fiber

  9. I like the unique setting you're using, Emily! Cute fabrics, too!

  10. You picked some fun blocks for last week's prompt. Hard to believe that tomorrow is the last prompt.
