Monday, February 10, 2025

Round #4 - Slice & Insert

Welcome back to the Stay at Home Round Robin!  This week it is Wendy's turn to tell us what to add, and she picked a slice and insert block.  This was probably the most difficult round for me to decide what to do, because I consider slice and insert primarily an improv technique, and I'm not really an improv gal.  So I had to think of how to put slice and inset units in a 12" block.

I played around in EQ8 and came up with two designs I liked.  I intentionally used different widths for my inset in each of my two blocks so they wouldn't be too similar.  I cut slightly oversized squares, did my slice and insert, and then trimmed my units to the size I needed for my blocks.  I didn't worry about them not matching up perfectly.



And here's how all my blocks so far look together.

The link up this week is with Wendy.  How will you use slice & insert blocks?

Here is the full schedule for the Stay at Home Round Robin:


  1. I love what you did - two different blocks and two different widths. I am loving your approach this year...a traditional quilt setting with fun blocks.

  2. Neat idea.Emily!. Youfr approach will fit with any theme..

  3. I'm loving your SAHRR!!! The blues are great ... and your 2 blocks ! I LOVE both of them!!!

  4. Fantastic blocks! I wondered how you would use this block in your design, and you came up with two great designs!

  5. These are fantastic. I love how the slices worked out! Very cool.

  6. I never thought to make blocks like this. I don't like improv, but that's all I could think of. LOL

  7. Very pretty blocks. It's fun to see how everyone makes the block work for their project.
