The pattern is Simple Layer Cake Pattern from Southern Quilter. I've made it once before, in monkey fabrics for my husband at Christmas 2013, though that quilt predates the blog. The background fabric is Kona Blueprint.
I used stash to piece a back. Jan loves birds, so the main print I used was this great bird in trees fabric that I bought a few years ago. I feel a little bad about the fact that all the fabrics were essentially chosen with Jan in mind while I am equally fond of her husband Don. But, to be fair, no one gave me a stack of golfing fabrics.
They spent most of last Friday moving furniture and I gave it to Jan Friday night. Don wasn't with her, but Jan texted me the next morning and said that they used it while sleeping on the couch the first night at their new house. Music to a quilter's ears, of course!
Completing this quilt was my February OMG (one monthly goal) in the motivational link up hosted by Patty of Elm Street Quilts.
This was also on my list of UFOs for UFO busing with Tish and a needed finish as I work toward my PhD (projects half-done) with Quilting Gail.