Queen Velda in Bee Inspired asked for cakes! I absolutely loved this block and had such a good time coming up with a culinary creation. The pattern is Sweet Cakes and is a free download from Michael Miller fabrics.
Velda asked us to name our cake. I'm calling this a Raspberry Tea Cake. Here is what I wrote on our group blog: Welcome! Today’s featured cotton confectionery is Dogwood Delights, where the dessert of the day is a Raspberry Tea Cake. This tall tiered cake is light and refreshing, with swirls of raspberry, hints of traditional birthday cake, and floral accents. Our Raspberry Tea Cake is the perfect accompaniment to a nice cup of tea.
In Stash Bee, Queen Jacqueline asked for cat blocks. She called them "M" cats, because she was inspired by Morris the Cat from the Friskies commercials and her own dearly departed kitty Milo. So I figured I'd give these kitties names that start with M. Meet (clockwise from top left) Meadow, Magic, Maverick, and Minerva.
And in a different Stash Bee hive, Queen Sue asked for toadstool blocks. I had never seen a toadstool block! I thought it was too fun not to try, so I made one for Sue. The quilt is for her grand-niece Tilly who is almost 3. Sue's tutorial and her inspiration for the block can be found here.
It was great to have such fun blocks to work on this month!!! I'm realizing how much I like blocks that look like things.