I love the motivational link-up party that is the
Finish Along.
I had a really great Q1 and a reasonable Q2. I tend to list way more projects than I will actually complete because I never know what I will be in the mood to work on.
I break my goals into 3 categories: general quilts, mini quilts and pillows, and quilts for Project Linus.
General Projects and Gifts
1. growth chart for friends
After making a growth chart for my niece last month, I had leftover strips. So I am making a chart for friends who live in town and have 2 kids.
2. Savannah
I took this class in 2011 and haven't touched it since the day of the class. It's time to either finish it or pass it on.
3. Rin
I did the Rin-Along recently and completed a block. Now I need to turn it into something.
4.String Blocks
Inspired by a bee block I was making for someone else, I got to playing with my strings a few days ago and made a whole stack of string blocks--enough for a quilt! This is my first quilt-as-you go project.
5. Magical Forest
I need to assemble my blocks from Stash Bee 2017--I'm making a magical forest!
Mini Quilts & Pillows
Pillow Menagerie
I am slowly making us a menagerie of animal throw pillows four our
couch, as I got rid of the big cushions that came with the couch because
they were so big it was annoying. The following are pillows I have
patterns and fabric for, and I've spent time getting the pattern pieces
enlarged and color coded.
6. Lion--pattern is from the
zoo animals collection by Kristy @ Quiet Play
7. Giraffe--pattern is from the
zoo animals collection by Kristy @ Quiet Play
8. Bear--pattern from Juliette of
The Tartan Kiwi
9. batik hexies
This might be the project that never ends! My
hand sewing batik hexie project is progressing slowly. I'm sort of
making up the finishing process as I go along, as I haven't found a
tutorial for finishing hexies that completely works for me. I made no progress during Q2. I need to layer and
10. Vintage Holiday
I've had this one on my to-do list for a while and started the sewing on
a recent work trip when I wasn't driving. It is my current hand sewing
Project Linus
11. Noah didn't build a log cabin
I was fooling around one day and framed a donated Noah's Ark fabric with some large log-cabin style blocks. It needs to be layered, quilted, and bound.
12. Princess
I have a donated Disney Princesses print that I plan to give the same log-cabin treatment that I gave Noah, above.
13. Western/Cowboy Quilt
This one has been cut and put together in a kit for Project Linus sewing.
14. Monopoly
Another one that has been made into a quilt-in-a-kit I have ready to go,
this one with some Monopoly fabric my mom gave me a couple years ago.
15. I Spy Jelly Roll Twist
My current Project Linus sewing: Fat Quarter Shop's
Jelly Roll Twist pattern with some I Spy strips from a swap, plus Kona Highlight.
16. Sports I Spy with Munchkin
I've been doing some
sewing with my son
and have a stack of sports-themed I Spy squares set aside for when he
wants to sew. This one will depend completely on his pace.
17. Girly I Spy
These are some squares, most from my friend Snow, that are kind of
girly. I have a donated piece of Minky for the back that will dictate
final size.
18. 3 1/2" square purple quilt
I Spy scraps with purple as the alternating fabric. Since this photo was taken, all the rows are made and need to be assembled together.
19. 3 1/2" square blue quilt
I Spy scraps with blue as the alternating fabric.
20. Poodles
Someone donated this fabulous pink poodle fabric to my local Project
Linus chapter. I'm going to keep it as a whole cloth quilt and use it
as FMQ practice. The only reason I didn't finish this in Q2 is that I temporarily misplaced it with only a small amount of binding left to finish. It has since been found, so this one should be done shortly.
I've been doing lists of 20 so far this year, so I will keep that trend going. I know I won't finish that many, but it does feel good to cross at least some things off the list.