
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Finished! I Spy String Quilt

Something on an episode of Fons & Porter made me actually write down a quilting bucket list.  I'm still not entirely sure what made me add "string quilt" to that list, but it's on there.  I didn't think I'd like doing a string quilt, as it is so random and chaotic.  But I actually found the process highly enjoyable.  I liked to do a set of blocks when I had had a rough day; it was great stress relief. 

I used 8" foundation squares of muslin.  I used almost exclusively strings from my I Spy quilts & swaps.  There are a few floral prints and a polka dot or two, but it's mostly I Spys.  I'm not sure if you can tell by the picture, but I used scrappy binding as well, so I used up 5 different ends of bindings! 

I did find that strings become never ending.  I started with a gallon ziplock full of strings, made this entire quilt, meaning 36 8" squares of strings, and my bag is still full!! 

Close up:

I plan to take this one to Project Linus as well, and I hope someone has fun finding all the different stuff in there!

This is a Quarter 1 finish for the Finish Along, hosted by On the Windy Side
Click here for the original project list.


  1. Just like mine! Finished for this same finish along. It's such a great method. I've made a couple of string quilts and they're really fun! The fondant ion fabric would be a good idea to manage all the bias edges! Great finish!

  2. This is gorgeous! I love all the colors. A very cheerful quilt.
