First due was my coworker Blaise. I had planned to give him (or rather, his expected daughter) the all animal I Spy quilt that is finished but had no intended recipient. But then at the baby shower at work, I learned that the theme for the nursery was The Little Mermaid. And I spent the drive home that day thinking about all the ocean-themed I Spy squares I had. So that night I got out my I Spy squares, sorted out everything ocean and mermaid related, and picked my 41 favorites.
There are a total of 6 mermaid squares. I had just enough of that aqua dot to do the alternating squares--I thought it looked ocean-y. This was the first project I did entirely on my new sewing machine. I also did the binding completely by machine and used one of my new decorative stitches. I actually think it was too dense a stitch and wish I had chosen a different one, but by the time I decided I didn't love it, it was too late. I had hoped the circles would look like bubbles, but they don't really. Oh well.
Baby Poesy arrived April 1st and I had the quilt ready when her dad returned to work 2 1/2 weeks later. But there was a mix-up when the baby's name was emailed out to staff, and the last name I had on the original label was wrong. So I took it home, made & attached a new label, and am pleased to say the quilt is now with baby Poesy.
This is a Quarter 2 finish for the Finish Along, hosted by Adrianne at On the Windy Side. Click here for my original project list for Q2. Please note that this is listed as "Blaise's baby quilt" on that list.
And a mini-rant/soapbox moment: I mentioned that there are 6 mermaid squares in this quilt. All of the mermaids are white. Not a single mermaid of color of any ethnicity or background to be found. Now, I was working exclusively with stash, but I'm fairly certain that what I have is a decent representation of what is out there, mermaid-wise. We can do better, fabric designers and fabric manufacturers!

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