
Monday, September 28, 2015

Finished! I Spy Strip Quilt

While most of my I Spy obsession has gone into 5” squares, I cut a 2 ½ inch strip when I have just a little bit of leftover.  I’ve done a few Jelly Roll Race quilts with these leftover bits, but I’ve been looking for other options.  I saw a jelly roll quilt on display at one of my local quilt shops, and I sketched out a variation that I thought would work out for I Spy strips.

This is what I ended up with.  The solids are Kona Pond and Kona Pool. (That they are both water-related words was just a fun coincidence!)  This is an instance where I liked what was in my head better than what I produced, but I’m hoping it will make some kid happy. 

As a side note, I took this project with me in the piecing stages to a recent Project Linus meeting. There was a new participant there that night who had her 2 daughters with her—about to enter 1st and 5th grades (I think).  The girls, Samantha and Summer, came over to watch what I was doing and I had them tell me which strip to add next, so much of the order was decided by them. 

This was on my Q3 list for the Finish Along hosted by Adrianne.  Original project name was “2 ½ inch strip I Spy Quilt.”  Original goal list here.  

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side


  1. Wow. Love the idea of an Eye Spy Strip Quilt. I've begun an Eye Spy Quilt but I've put it aside for a bit. It uses charms and I've just gotten tired of collecting the right fabrics! I need to get back to it!!

  2. This is a lovely quilt and a great way to use up some leftover bits too. I'm visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad.
