For my ALYOF goal, I'm picking mom's car trash bag. My mom visited in May, and she really liked the car trash bag I had and asked for one. The pattern came from the book One Yard Wonders. I asked what fabric she wanted, and she immediately replied "covered wagons!" She gave me several yards of this covered wagon fabric when I got into I Spys and swaps--she bought it several years ago and never used it. I've got a fair amount left, so a covered wagon car trash bag it is!
Goal #2: Midnight Mystery catch up. I am super behind in the Midnight Mystery Quilt Along hosted by Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs. I'm loving the design and the process, so I'm hoping to be caught up by the end of the month.
Goal #3: December's Mini. I've got the day off on Wednesday and am planning to do some selfish Birthday Sewing, so I'll start on my mini for December. Specific project undecided, but likely the Quilt Kit I got as a Secret Santa present many years ago.
Linking up with Fiber of All Sorts and Sew Bittersweet Designs for A Lovely Year of Finishes.

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