
Friday, May 27, 2016

Finished! Hearts

The Hive Queen in February picked a really cute heart block.  The tutorial was originally from Cluck Cluck Sew and can be found here.  We made the 8" version.  I liked it so much that I made 3 for the Queen, then made 4 for myself and turned them into a mini to hang on my front door.  I knew I wouldn't get it done in time to hang for Valentine's Day, so I put the top away.

Heidi from Red Letter Quilts uses her fantastic One Monthly Goal link-up to finish projects that might not otherwise be at the forefront.  I took a page from her book and made completing this mini my goal for May.

I did a diagonal cross-hatch at 1 inch intervals.  This was my first time using the guide thingy that came with my sewing machine for the quilting.  I marked the center line with a water soluble pen, then sewed on that first line.  After that, no more marking!  I set my guide thingy at an inch:
Then I placed the guide thingy on the last sewed line, and that kept my lines parallel. 
It meant watching the line and not the needle, which took a little bit of adjusting, but overall, I loved doing it this way.  It is so much faster than marking every line!

If I do a larger quilt with this technique, I will move the guide thingy to the other side of my needle.  This is a small quilt, only about 17" square, so having the bulk of the quilt in my throat space was not a big deal, but it would be easier to flip to the other side of the needle for most projects.

I don't usually go out of my way to match my backings to my tops, but I found this cute tiny heart print on sale and knew I had to use it for the back. This photo also shows how off-white Kona snow really is--it seems so white to me until I see it side by side with a bright white!

This was on my list of Q2 goals for the finish along hosted by a group of global bloggers.  I am also linking up with Heidi's OMG and Julie's Goodbye UFOs.

2016 FAL


  1. Well done on your finish! Aren't linky parties motivaiting - if you hadn't have set a goal it might still have been there come Valentine's Day next year - or is that just me?!!

  2. What a cute finish. I to use my guide thing ( great technical name, LOL!!) a lot lately too. I have been on a mini mania kick.

  3. Wonderful finish! I have yet to delve into the world of linky parties on my blog but think I should take the plunge soon. How did you get started with them and which are you favorites?

    1. Heidi at Red Letter Quilts runs a monthly challenge, so it's kind of like 2 linkys. You set a single sewing/quilting goal for the month, then come back if you achieved it. Goal setting is usually the first 7 days of the month and completions the last 7 days, so June's goal setting is still open. Hers is a good one for motivation.

      The first linky I ever joined was the Finish Along, which is now large enough that it has multiple global hosts. That one is quarterly, and She Can Quilt has the details. That's another goal-setting posts. I still like that one, and the inspiration from the finishes is awesome, but it is really large (like hundreds of finishes).

      Julie at the Crafty Quilter is doing Hello 2016, Goodbye UFOs, where you can link completed projects at the end of a month. She usually opens hers right as the month is ending, and it runs for about a week. You do not have to set anything ahead of time with this one, which is nice, just link what you completed.

      All of the above have prizes, some more than others, some provided by the hosts and some by sponsors.

      I do a fair amount of scrap quilting, and the following are specific to that:

      Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework runs Oh Scrap! It's every Sunday. Just whatever scrap projects you are working on, at whatever stage they are currently in. No prizes, but good inspiration and camaraderie.

      My most recent find is Scraptastic Tuesday, which is also hosted by She Can Quilt (above) and co-hosted with someone else. It's once a month, and is another whatever scrap project you are working on in whatever stage. They do prize drawings, and I was lucky enough to win one in April!

  4. Cute! I have never used my guidey thing! Now I am wondering if it works with my walking foot..

  5. How can I follow your blog? I like to follow through blogloven but I don't see a button for that. Thanks and I like your work.

  6. How can I follow your blog? I like to follow through blogloven but I don't see a button for that. Thanks and I like your work.

    1. I'm working on adding a button for Bloglovin. I'll post again when I have it working.

  7. I love a good cross hatch quilted quilt! Yours is a specaial beauty, too! Congratulations on a wonderful finish! On behalf of the FAL hosts, thanks for playing along!
