
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Red Elephants

I love the Rainbow Scrap Challenge hosted by Angela of So Scrappy.  This year, I picked elephant blocks.  I am using both the small and the large elephants from the Elephant Parade quilt along by Lorna of Sew Fresh Quilts.  Even though the Elephant Parade quilt along was a few years ago, Lorna keeps the pattern up and available.

I'm making 2 large and 3 small elephants in each color.  March's color is red.

Red Elephant Family
Updated to include a picture after I added eyes!

Red Elephant Family that can now see where it is going

The original pattern calls for elephants facing both left and right, but the diagrams are only for the elephants facing left.  I did the first group (purple) facing left and figured I should alternate. Understanding spatially how to reverse things is not my strong suit.  I was really proud of myself, because I only messed up and had to re-do one element, and it was right at the end.  (The elephant with the maroon stars: I got his trunk wrong.  I had to piece together tiny remnants to have enough to do it over!)


  1. Those are the cutest red elephants I've ever seen! I hope you are doing a,whole rainbow. Keep up the good work!

  2. Congrats! on the completion of your RED elephant family!!

  3. Lorna has such a variety of animals for quilts. Your elephants on parade are adorable in red.

  4. Oh, these are so cute. I will be using Lorna's elephant pattern for the elephants on my chevron quilt. How did you make the eye? What did you use?

  5. These are so adorable!! Love them!!

  6. Great Red elephants you got done.

  7. Rainbow elephants on parade! Love it!

  8. What a lively herd!!! Lorna has the best designs and you did a terrific job.
    And thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my Birds quilt.
