
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sports I Spy

My son (currently age 4 1/2) intermittently gets interested in my sewing.  Sometimes he'll ask to sew with me and he'll sit on my lap for a few minutes.  I decided to pull a group of I Spy squares specifically for when he wants to sew with me.  This took us probably 4 months of really occasional sewing to get pieced, then waited for me to quilt & bind. 

Side note: I've been calling my son "Munchkin" on the blog and that now seems too young.  I've been wanting to age up his nickname.  He loves fire trucks and fire fire fighters and he frequently calls himself a Fire Monkey.  So he will now be known as Fire Monkey.

I told him to "be goofy"
Fire Monkey determined which squares to put together, 2 at a time.  Sometimes he sits on my lap, sometimes he helps feed the fabric, and sometimes he gets on the floor and watches me put my foot on the pedal.  We did most of the sewing in short sessions, as his attention span for most things is not very long.

I personally don't like things to fall heavily into society's ideas of properly gendered themes, but that gets trickier when I'm making quilts for Project Linus.  I have been told that some places won't give a quilt to a boy if it has even a tiny bit of pink on it.  Since I know my chapter frequently gets quits that are pink and/or flowery, I try to make quilts that fall into sterotypically boy areas.  For this quilt, I picked any I Spy square even remotely related to sports.

This was #16 on my list of Q3 goals for the Finish AlongThis is also my list of UFOs to complete for my PhD (Projects Half Done) with Gail of Quilting Gail.

We turned it in to Charlotte chapter of Project Linus tonight. I was worried he'd be upset that he wasn't keeping this but he has not been.  Fire Monkey and I talked about how this quilt would go to a kid who needs a quilt.  His next quilt, though, will be for him to keep.

Yes, his eyes are closed on purpose.


  1. Great quilt, especially with the story of how Fire Monkey helped you make it! The child who receives it will feel the quilt's heartbeat of love. Fire Monkey is acting so goofy--just makes me smile!

  2. Congrats on a fun finish. Some little boy will love it. Love the moniker for you little guy, it's nice when they are willing to pick it. My "little one" was 10 when I started the blog (she's 19 now), we are currently on blog name number 3. She's always gotten a kick out of reading about herself on the blog.
