
Thursday, April 25, 2019

World Penguin Day

Apparently today is world penguin day.  Which makes it an appropriate day to share my quilt top of penguin blocks made by hive 4 in this year's Stash Bee.  Completing the top was my One Monthly Goal for the link-up party hosted by Patty of Elm Street Quilts.

At 74" x 90" this quilt is big for me, so photographing it on short notice (so as to post on world penguin day) was tricky.  Here's the best I could do:

I don't currently have anything big enough to back this, so it's on hold as a finished top for the moment.  Nancy at Grace and Peace Quilting recently wrote a great post about fabric shopping at IKEA and using duvet covers as backing which I thought was brilliant, so I'm hoping to plan a trip to the Charlotte IKEA soon to find something suitable.

Penguin block pattern is by Lorna of Sew Fresh Quilts, blocks were made by my fabulous hive-mates in Stash Bee, Hive 4.

Here's another thoroughly bad photo.  This is why I don't like to make big quilts!!!

April Finish link-up is open!!


  1. The penguins are adorable! Don't worry about the photos- they show us how cute the top is.

  2. Your photos are perfect, I can see how cute and adorable the Penguin quilt is. Good luck with finding a backing at IKEA, don't forget to check out the Children bedding, I remember seeing great black and white prints there.

  3. This top is adorable! I can see it quilted in swirling snow. Have you checked out any wide backings of quilting fabric? Backside Fabrics is in Stanley, NC. Are you close to them?

  4. How sweet!! Congrats on meeting your goal:)

  5. World penguin day! You timed that one perfectly!!! Fun quilt. I hope you find something good for the back at IKEA.

  6. Love those penguins!! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  7. A very fun and cute quilt! Congrats on finishing your OMG for April.
