
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

June & July Bee Blocks

Bees are such a great opportunity to try lots of different blocks and color schemes that you may not have picked yourself.  June's queen Gayle in my Stash Bee hive asked for Rolling Stone blocks in blue, green, or purple.  Well, since purple is my favorite color that was an easy decision! I made two blocks but it seems I didn't photograph them together.

Queen Amanda for July asked for a block that I don't believe has a name, but was designed by a fellow Stash Bee-er a few years ago.  It's a strip block and Amanda asked for either yellow, orange, or green.  Well, orange is probably my least favorite color so I don't have much stash, and I wasn't sure if I'd have the needed 9 yellow fabrics either, so green it is. I feel like my greens aren't cohesive at all and I'm hoping this block looks less awkward when paired with some friends.

I've already seen a sneak peak of the August block for my hive and it's super fun!  I can't wait to make it!


  1. Both sets of blocks turned out beautifully. It's hard not to love purple (it goes nowhere in my house, but it's pretty when made into quilts).

  2. Lovely blocks! The Bee sounds like such fun!

  3. I love the rolling stone block! The second block--I thought it was an entire baby quilt, until I read further!
