
Tuesday, December 31, 2019


One final finish for 2019!  This is a donation quilt, made with four fat quarters that were a part of the huge fabric gift given to me by my friend Jen's mom, Judy. Judy is a life-long crafter and last year she went through her craft supplies for things she is unlike to use.  Since both Judy and Jen prefer knitting, I got the fabric!  I chose four floral fat quarters and paired them with Kona Dusty Peach.

The pattern is Elizabeth from the book Fat Quarter Baby by It's Sew Emma.  It was pretty straightforward to put together and I really like the simplicity.  There are appliques seed-shaped additions over each heart in the pattern but I liked it better without.  I quilted with wavy lines using King Tut Mummy's Dearest, a sweet pastel variegated thread.

Completing Elizabeth was my One Monthly Goal with Patty of Elm Street Quilts for December.  It was also #12 on my Q4 list of goals for the Finish Along and is on my list of projects needed for my PhD (Projects Half Done) with Quilting Gail.

December OMG FINISH link-up is open!


  1. This is a lovely donation quilt...made from a friends destashing....a lovely thing.

  2. Lovely quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  3. Very cute and appropriate to use fabric given to you and pass it along in the form of a donation quilt. Happy New Year!

  4. Very pretty! You had a really productive year, congrats on your last finish for 2019.

  5. So lovely! This donation quilt will make someone very happy. I have the Fat Quarter Baby book, but have not made this one yet. Love the wavy line quilting, also.

    1. That Fat Quarter Baby book is a good one! This is the second quilt I've made from it, plus I made one block from a third pattern, and I plan several more. You are showing up as a no-reply blogger do I'm replying here.
