
Friday, December 31, 2021

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

I like to end my year by looking at the goals I set for the previous year with Yvonne of Quilting Jet Girl, and setting goals for the year ahead.  As 2020 came to a close, we all hoped that 2021 would bring more light, more hope, less Covid.  That...didn't really happen.  I've had a hard time this year.  It's been hard to kind of stay afloat.  I have not blogged as much, I've been absolutely terrible about responding to comments (something I normally love and stay on top of) and I barely read any other blogs for the second half of the year.  I'm ok, I'm doing what I need to do to stay mentally healthy and I'm getting by, but I'm not thriving.  And truth be told, I don't know when that will change.  So while I still want to set goals, I'm choosing "be gentle" as my theme.


First, a review of my goals for 2021.  Coming off of 2020, I didn't have any big, grand plans.  Which, it turns out, was smart.

2021 Goals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Goal: continue to make donation quilts.
I specifically didn't set a number for 2021.  I did make several quilts to donate to the local children's hospital, though I don't have a formal count of how many.  I also made 10 place mats for my guild's donation project; those went to Friendship Trays. 

Goal: Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild
I was vice-president of my guild this year, which meant I was in charge of programs.  Quite honestly, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have agreed when I was asked.  In a year when I was overwhelmed, having something extra that I was responsible for didn't help.  But I made it through the year, I left the first half of the programs planned and organized for whoever comes after me, and I've gotten positive feedback from several members of the guild on the programs we held virtually. 

Goal: Online Quilting Community
I specifically set my goal as "I participating without stressing myself out."  I guess I did?  I kinda left the online community for much of the second half of the year, but I figure that could count toward not stressing myself out.  I did several blog hops and quilt alongs in the first half of the year. 

Goal: EQ8
I did use EQ for several quits I made and I am slowly (very slowly) getting more comfortable using the program and can somewhat fiddle around and do what I want to be able to do. 

Goal: Use what I have
I bought very little fabric, so I'm counting this as successful.

2022 Goals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You know what, as I read through last year's goals and take stock, I'm going to just set the one goal of Be Gentle.  I'd like to be a little more involved in the online quilting community than I have been these past several months, but I know that if I need to continue to be spotty, I will be welcomed back by quilting friends as I am able.  I plan to continue with my local guild but I am not on the board for 2022.  I will continue to work in EQ and hope to stretch my skills a little.  And I strive to use fabric and supplies that I have. As goals, that will do.

Thank you for bearing with me.  May 2022 treat you well.




  1. Happy New Year, Emily! I hope 2022 is a great year for you!

  2. I hope that 2022 treats you well, too. It has been a hard year, the second year of a pandemic, with glimpses of normality, but not really. You did great this year, and leaving half of the year planned for the person for your guild is remarkable. Look forward to seeing you when you like in the online quilting world!

  3. Hi Emily,
    Yes, your on-line friends will welcome you at any time!
    Congrats on all the donations (quilts and placemats) - they do take time!
    I found that your '22 goal of "Be Gentle" interesting ... I have always considered you as one that is gentle!
    Happy New Year! :-)

  4. The one thing about the online community is that we definitely understand when you need to take a break. I'm so glad that you are doing what you need to take care of yourself. Be Gentle sounds like such a wonderful way to approach 2022, and I hope that you find some quilting joy through the year as well. All my best in the new year.

  5. I highly recommend the free videos that On-Point Quilter does for EQ, they really helped me a lot. I learned so many new tricks!

  6. Happy New Year, Emily! I think it's been a hard year on many of us, but I believe the best is yet to come! And you absolutely will be welcome any time you want to come and "play" with your online friends! Being gentle is a great goal for this year! I may have to adopt that! Do what you need to take care of yourself and your family! Blessings!

  7. I like the being gentle approach. My presence in the on line community was spotty. I did OK at posting, but not at reading other's blogs or responding to comments. So you aren't alone there. Let's hope that once we get through the wildfire that is Omicron, the pandemic tapers off and we just have endemic diese with seasonal bad spots like the flu. Here's to improved mental health and lots of stitching time in 2022.

  8. Emily you did great considering it was year 2 of a Pandemic. I think most of us found ourselves languishing (the perfect word I saw on another blog) the last half of the year. It’s a good thing you stepped back to be kind to yourself. We will be here when you have the time or energy to visit with us. 😉
