The Rules:
1) We are swapping 5" squares. Each "spot" in the swap will contribute 24 squares each of 4 different fabrics. There will be 24 spots in the swap. This means we will each end up with 96 different squares of fabric! If your fabric does not require fussy-cutting, you should get 24 squares from a half yard of fabric. So each spot is essentially a total of 2 yards of fabric.
2) Participants may have up to 2 spots. If you are doing 2 spots, each of your 8 fabrics must be different. You will receive back 2 identical sets of 96 fabric squares.
3) Quilt shop quality fabric, please. No licensed characters or teams. I Spy quilts are for everyone, so no adult-themed fabric. Anything identifiable by your average child is a-okay. Creative and unusual fabrics encouraged!
4) If you are a resident of somewhere other than the United States, leave me a comment and we'll see what we can work out.
5) Sign up at the form on the bottom of the page. Then check out our Flickr Group. And yes, the Flickr group says 2014. New swap, old Flickr group! I will use Flickr to track who has signed up and when I receive squares. If you don't have an account, it is free to create one. You can also post pictures of your fabrics on the group if you choose, but that is not required.
6) I will send an email with my address once the swap is full. Deadline for me receiving your squares will be set once swap is full, my tentative deadline is January 21, 2015. Place your charms in a ziplock bag with an index card containing your name, address, and Flickr ID. Please place all 4 fabrics for a “spot” in one bag together, alternating fabrics. (ABCD, ABCD, ABCD....) Include a prepaid self addressed envelope. If you do not, I will not be able to return your squares to you!
7) No public complaining! If you have an issue with the quality of fabric, the cutting of the squares you receive, or anything else, contact me privately. Do not send or post admonishments of any kid to the group.
8) Have fun! Leave me a comment with questions!

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