As I Spy quilts are
my current quilting obsession and have been for over two years, I
occasionally host I Spy swaps. I'm just wrapping up my 5th.
During the 4th, there was a shipping mishap. Two of the
ladies affected by the mishap chose to stay in my current swap, even
though the problem was completely my fault. I decided to make them
each something extra to ship with their swap #5 goodies. I am
pleased to say that in both cases, their lost packages did eventually
arrive, but I am going to send them the extras anyway, mostly to show
my appreciate in their sticking with me.
I have had more
communication with one lady (Colorado) than the other (Nebraska).
Colorado is also very active on Flickr and does a lot of swaps, so
I've seen several of her inspiration boards and have a bit of an idea
of what she likes. Since I know she likes seasonal stuff and has a
sense of whimsy, I made her this mini. It's from a pattern by Juliet of The Tartan Kiwi. I love it, and I plan to make one very similar
for myself. The fabric is a little too directional for someone
fairly new to paper piecing like me, but I'm pleased with it just the
I have very little
information about Nebraska. Her flickr posts are only what she is
submitting for I Spy swaps, and we've only communicated a little. So
I made her a pouch. I figured pouches were fairly safe and liked by most people. This one is a boxy pouch from a youtube tutorial by The Crafty Gemini.
Finishing these
bonus gifts was my mystery goal for September's A Lovely Year of Finishes. (I was number 78.)