
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Finished! Scrap Dance

A mystery quilt has been on my quilting bucket list long before I knew such a thing existed, and definitely longer than mine has actually been written down.  I stumbled on to a quilt-along that was a mystery hosted by Carole at From My Carolina Home.  She started in March and I found it in April, so I wasn't that behind, and best of all, it used scraps!  Even better, the needed scraps matched sizes I had already cut in my last big scrap management push.  And I had enough of a light background fabric that I didn't need to shop for anything!
I am so pleased with the finished quilt!  I would not likely have chosen this pattern on my own, but I like it more every time I look at it.
Final size was 50 x 60.  I did the lap size (she offered multiple sizes) and I added a 5" border of the background fabric, plus scrappy binding.  Hooray for using binding leftovers!  I did straight-line quilting on the diagonal as a way to emphasize the design and keep it simple.
This was my October goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes (goal setter #33) and was on my Q4 goal list for the Finish Along hosted by Adrianne. (Please note that my blog changed names, so my post in the goal setting linky will no longer be active.)

My Button
2015 FAL at On the Windy Side


  1. Oh, my goodness, it's beautiful! Congratulations on completing your goal!

  2. That is gorgeous!! I can't wait to see it in person!

  3. That is a wonderful quilt! Congratulations on using up all those scraps!

  4. It looks great! Mystery quilts usually scare me, so it's nice to see when other people like them!

  5. Beautiful quilt, so many scrappy pieces!!

  6. Great job on your finish - perfect pattern and perfect colors = fabulous quilt!!! So glad you linked up with ALYOF so I could find you!

  7. Beautiful finish, I love your bold scraps, yet when the view is from further back it has a softness to the palette. Pretty! I am also a sucker for a Quilt Along, especially a mystery quilt!!

  8. Yeah, a finish, and a lovely quilt, scrappy are my favourite.

  9. I love mystery much fun!! Especially when they turn out as beautiful as this one! Recently found another one to participate in! Visiting as part of the 2015 FAL Cheerleading Team. Thanks for participating.

  10. Emily, it turned out wonderful! I love your color choices1 I hope you join me again for Scrap Dance Tango, the mystery quilt for 2016.
