
Monday, November 2, 2015

Finished: Business Card Holder

I went to a work conference at the end of October and wanted a business card holder to take with me.  I found The Crafty Gemini's tutorial for exactly that, and I had all the materials already.  Sold!
Fancy it isn't, but it works, and was nice and easy to make.  And did I mention I already had everything I needed?
It's a good size, fits a lot of cards, and was easy to find in the purse/briefcase hybrid I had with me at the conference. I'll keep it in my purse now that I'm back.

This was on my Q4 list of goals for the finish along hosted by Adrianne. (Please note that my blog changed names, so my post in the goal setting linky will no longer be active.)

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

1 comment:

  1. That's a cute quick finish! Bet you were the only person at conference with such a pretty cardholder
