
Thursday, October 6, 2016

October OMG

It's no secret that I love I Spy quilts.  I am making a twin-bed sized I Spy for my niece.  She will be visiting in early December and I want to have it ready for her then.  So my October One Monthly Goal is to finish piecing the top.

I've been constructing it in double rows.  I need 8 double rows and I have 6 completed right now.  SO I need to finish the last 2, sew the rows together, and add sashing to the outside.

Linking up with Heidi at Red Letter Quilts for her OMG challenge.


  1. Well, you know I loves an I-Spy! Looks sweet Emily, I hope you get it all stitched up!

  2. What a wonderful gift for your niece and a great goal for October. I spy a finished quilt top in your future :)

  3. This makes me smile, because it reminds me of the I Spy I made for my grandson a few years ago. Have fun with your niece and best of luck finishing it! Having this kind of deadline is what makes me, personally, get things accomplished!
