
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I Spy Pink & Gray Snowflakes

Last year about this time, I saw a Quilt Along for a Snowflake Quilt.  The pattern was by Fresh Lemons and the Quilt Along was hosted by Bernina.  I liked the pattern, but knew there was NO WAY that the three week timeline would work for me

I had just hosed a swap of 2 1/2" strips of I Spy fabrics.  I knew I wanted to make a pink & gray quilt, and this pattern was 2 1/2" strip friendly, though it wasn't advertised that way.  So I cut up my pieces and set it out as a leader & ender project.  The background is Kona Snow.  Appropriate for a quilt of snowflakes!

Once I had all the blocks made, I decided I wasn't crazy about the original layout, so I played around and ended up with this instead.  My layout meant I needed an equal number of pink and gray blocks, so I had to make a few extra gray blocks.

In addition to some straight line quilting, I decided to use a decorative stitch in bright pink to frame each of the big blocks.  I'm happy with how this looks.

Usually I care that the orientation of my I Spy fabrics are as "correct" as possible.  This block got me over that!  There was no way to get everything to face the same way, so I didn't even try.

I generally back my Project Linus quilts with fleece, but someone had donated a large piece of minky and it fit the size of this quilt nicely.  I love the feel of the minky, but working with it was more challenging than my normal fleece.  First of all, it sheds when cut.  And when hand-sewing the binding, I had a hard time catching the binding and the minky but not the front of the quilt. So if I use any again, I will machine sew the binding.

This was on my list of Q3 goals for the globally hosted finish along (goal #13).

2016 FAL


  1. Love the pink and gray combo! Nice adding the decorative stitching! Great finish!

  2. This turned out really nice! On behalf of the FAL cohosts, hanks for participating this quarter!
