
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

a utilitarian finish and giveaway winner

A few years ago, I started using a hot water bottle overnight when I had cramps.  Last year, I saw a few hot water bottle covers crop up in various places I follow and thought--I need one of those!  The hot water bottle helps a lot but I don't enjoy the plasticy feel of it.

Problem is I'd remember when I needed it, and that tends to be when I don't particularly have a lot of energy.  So  every month I'd get a reminder that I need to make a cover, and then promptly forget.  I finally broke the cycle!  I used a scrap of blue fleece and followed this youtube tutorial.  Ta-da!

Not the most exciting or pretty project I've even finished, but it's useful!  I do want to try one in flannel because I think the fleece is actually too thick and blocks more of the heat than I'd like. But this one is definitely better than the plasticy bottle feel. 

The water bottle cover is my 6th completed project in 2020; I have the goal to finish 52 projects. 

And I've been behind in announcing the winner of my giveaway from February's Island Batik Log Cabin blog hop.  Cecilia won 30 strips of the beautiful Catching Dreams collection, designed by Kathy Engle for Kari Nichols of Mountainpeek Creations.  I sent the package off on Saturday so Cecilia should have them soon.


  1. A lovely water bottle holder and I do think the flannel may be better but you did one, so soon you will do another.

  2. A great solution, Emily! Glad you got it done. Flannel might be better so that the heat can get through, but the fleece will do for now!

  3. Sounds useful, Em! And flannel would be super soft, too!
