
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Last of the Ohio Star Blocks

Well, it's the last day of March but I made it!  I finished the last 16 purple Ohio Star blocks!  I feel like this project is never ending!  Though starting it in 2006 probably has something to do with that...

I've been trying to make progress on this long-standing UFO that will be a gift for my best friend, so I've been setting goals Patty of Elm Street Quilts and her monthly OMG (One Monthly Goal) linky party to motivate me to keep moving. March's goal was to complete the final 16 blocks.  I've done that, though I'm no longer in a hurry to finish it.  I was going to see my friend in May, but the reason was our 20th college reunion.  While it hasn't been cancelled yet, I am sure it will be.  So I no longer have that deadline, but I would like to finish it in 2020. At least now all the blocks are done!

March OMG Finish link-up is open!


  1. Congrats on getting the blocks done! The imminent cancellation can be a curse or a gift. You get to decide when you want to finish and that is a good thing right now. I do love the way the blocks look.

  2. Lovely purple stars! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  3. Yay, you got the blocks done! Time to do something fun as a reward :-)

  4. Congrats!!! Sounds like your ultimate finish goal is stretched out. A little breather.

  5. Those purple blocks are looking great. You're going to have a lovely quilt!

  6. Positively pretty purples!!! Now say that five times fast :-p
    How big is the block? How big a quilt will they make? May I suggest staggering the blocks if you have not already decided the layout?

  7. Congrats on finishing the blocks! That's the big first step to getting it finished.
