
Friday, October 23, 2020

Buffalo Companion

A few weeks ago, I showed Buffalo Explorer, a donation quilt I made for my guild's 2020 philanthropy project.  I had more of that blue animal print, so I made another quilt that is similar, but not identical, to the first.  I'm calling it Buffalo Companion.

I had already cut the blue animal print into 10" squares, so I just added 2 1/2" strips to each square to make a completed block. This is Kona Tomato and Kona Curry.  (Sounds like lunch!)  I used the same new-to-me quilting motif of a straight-line grid on the diagonal going one way and wavy lines going the opposite diagonal.  I like this motif and will keep playing with it.

The back is a teddy bear print that was in a bag of I Spy scraps I was given by a quilter cleaning out her stash--she saved her novelty prints for me! I used all of the teddy bear fabric except a 3" or so strip that I'll cut up for more scraps.  Always nice to finish off fabrics, or come close. Since the animal print was already cut into 10" squares and I've now made two quilts with it, I gave the rest to another quilter so I could cross this off my list and get it all out of my sewing room :) 

And here are the two together so you can see why I call them companions.  The first Buffalo quilt was on my list of projects for my PhD (Projects Half Done) with Quilting Gail.  I don't know if I get credit for a second finish but I'm glad to have two finished quilts to give to Friendship Trays.  


  1. Great finish, Emily!
    And LOL ... it's up to you as to whether you get credit for a 2nd finish
    At any rate - it's a cute quilt and decreased your stash. And the quilting is great!

  2. Nice finish! I'm sure these two quilts are going to being joy to someone!

  3. Great finishes, and I am sure someone will love having those.

  4. Nice job, Emily! That quilting design looks great; reminds me of apple cores for some reason... :-)

  5. I think you can get credit if you like - its your list and it has ways of morphing! The year is long and this one longer than most so things happen!
