
Sunday, October 4, 2020

October OMG

Another month, another monthly goal!  Today we put together our new couches.  I like them quite a bit but they need more throw pillows.  I was making us a menagerie of animal cushions but I stalled out.  I have two paper piecing patterns enlarged and ready to go, both the giraffe and the lion from the zoo animals paper piecing series by Kristy of Quiet Play. My goal for October is to make the giraffe pillow.  This will be a double whammy, as the pillow is also on my list of projects for my PhD, Projects Half Done, with Quilting Gail.


The Current Menagerie

I'm linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts for her One Monthly Goal linky party.

September OMG finish link-up is open!


  1. That's a cute trio of pillows! Enjoy your new furniture!

  2. Those pillows sure are cute!! Nothing brightens a room like new pillows. The new couch helps, too. But that usually leads to new paint and then new window treatments.

  3. I love those pillows. You will have a good time making them and it should be an easy one to get done for the OMG!

  4. Your pillows are delightful!!!
    I can't wait to see the giraffe! (another favourite of mine ... after the elephant!)
    Happy pillow making! And finishing off your OMG!!! :-)

  5. Two for the price of one! Wham and you get a super finish at the same time. Your current animal pillows are very cute. So Mr. Giraffe will enjoy the company.

  6. So cute!!! May your herd multiply :-)

  7. The addition of a giraffe will so fun! Good luck with your goal!

  8. Those pillows are too cute! Good luck with giraffe, it's going to be a fun addition to the set you have.

  9. Such fun pillows. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
