
Friday, November 27, 2020


I finished my Robot quilt!  This was my third donation finish for the month, and I needed all three to make my November OMG with Patty of Elm Street Quilts.  Last weekend was the last call for donations for my guild's philanthropy project and I wanted to have three to turn in, to bring me to a total of 8.  And I made it!  The other two were the Butterfly quilt and the Pink and Purple Postage Plus.  



The fabrics came from a bundle of 7 fat quarters that were part of the haul given to my by my friend Jen's mom.  I've essentially been adopted into their family.  Jen's mom went through her craft supplies a little over a year ago and got rid of anything she thought she was unlikely to use.  I got all the fabric!  I've been making things with that fabric a little at a time, as projects come to me, and I've been wanting to use these fun robots.  I paired them with some 5" squares from my supply of I Spy fabrics.

The back is mostly Hot Wheels fabric plus two width of fabric strips that I thought went ok and made the back the right size.  Sometimes that's all I'm looking for!

This is one of my finishes towards my PhD (Projects Half Done) with Quilting Gail.  While this wasn't a UFO, I created a provision in my goal that I also could count some projects from fabric I owned and wanted to use, even though they weren't in a started project.  For me, it's just as much about using what I have.


  1. Yay for meeting your goal! The robot is a fun addition to the quilt!

  2. WOW ... 3 donation quilts in one month! Way to go!
    This robot quilt will make someone smile!!! No doubt about it!

  3. Oh what a fun finish! That's such a fun set of fabric. Someone is going to really love that quilt. Congrats on meeting your OMG for November.

  4. Very cute. Love the fabrics. Congrats on your finish.

  5. Very fun quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  6. Cute quilt!!! Congratulations on completing all three. Love your model robot too :-) I am glad he agreed to pose with the quilt.
