She's doing a new one this year, called Scrap Dance Tango. I'm behind, but I am slowly working on it. The last time my dad was here, he mentioned that he'd like a quilt. He's the only one in my immediate family who doesn't have a quilt I've made, so it seemed a reasonable request. He will get Scrap Dance Tango for Christmas.
Since it's for my dad, I picked a light blue, close to Carolina Blue, as the background color. I'm using Kona Blueberry. I'm not really narrowing down my scraps other than to eliminate batiks and solids, so the scraps will be truly scrappy and relatively unsorted.
I got all my background 2 1/2 inch squares cut today. I don't have all my scrappy 2 1/2 inch squares yet. I also need 1100 half square triangles. Yup. That's a lot. I got an Accuquilt machine for my birthday last year and I think that's the only reason the idea of that many HST doesn't have me running. The Accuquilt means I don't have to trim the finished units and the dog ears are already cut. I did a test run today and now have 12 HST done. Only 1088 to go! Carole suggests just doing a few at a time, since you need them throughout the process. My plan is to chain piece HST for 10 minutes each time I sit down to sew. Hopefully that will add up to all that I need in a slowly but surely sort of way.