
Monday, January 23, 2023

Round Robin #1 - Spools

Welcome back to the Stay at Home Round Robin! This week it is Roseanne & Sue from Home Sewn By Us who tell us what to add, and they chose spools. I'm honestly not sure I had made a spool block before! 

I hadn't decided how I wanted to make my spools when I noticed that a quilt magazine I had out on my table had a spool block, though not in the quilt pattern I had been looking at!  So I planned on that block without actually looking at the instructions.  Turns out it was for an 8" block, and I didn't want one that big.  No problem, I could figure out the components from the picture and size them down, and was even able to cut the pieces with my Accuquilt. The picture I followed was from the Norfolk sampler by Wendy Sheppard in the Spring 2022 issue of Quilter's World.

I made my blocks 4" finished.  Since I'm doing a row by row format this year and I started with a 40" row, that meant ten spool blocks.  I made them all with the same fabrics.  I decided to orient them all the same way, rather than alternate the tilt of the spool.  Here are my spool blocks with my "center" row.  I haven't actually stitched the rows together yet, as I haven't decided what order I want my rows.  

If you are playing along, be sure to link up each week because there are prizes this year!  Every week that you link up, you will get an entry into our drawing, which will take place after the March 13th parade. Here are some of the sponsors and prizes:

Here is the schedule for this year's Stay at Home Round Robin.  And be sure to visit all the hosts today to see how we each added spools to our quilts.


  1. Great spools, they look just right!!

  2. Hi Emily! Oh, dang. Those spools look so bright and festive. I love it!! It seems there are several of us who have not made a spool block before. I know it was my first time (at least that I recall). I can't wait to see where the next prompt take this piece. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. What a cute spool design! I love how everyone is interpreting this.

  4. Oh, fun! LOVE your tipped spools, Emily!

  5. Great spools row! I love the color and the little twist of a pattern!

  6. What a fun spool design! Interesting that so many of us hadn't made spool blocks, too!

  7. Love your pretty spools!!! Especially how they look like they're on point!

  8. That's a great spool block. I can't wait to see how your quilt unfolds. I love the row idea.

  9. A perfect addition to the flamingos! It's been fun to see how different everyone's borders are.

  10. Hi, my email address for Gail doesn't seem to work, can you send me a working email address as I am a no link follower and my emails keep bouncing back. Kathy at
    thanks Kathy
