
Monday, January 30, 2023

Round Robin #2 - Stars

Welcome back to the Stay at Home Round Robin!  This week it is Wendy's turn to tell us what to add, and she picked stars!  Be sure to link up with her this week at Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life.  

Stars are fun because there are sooooo many options!  I recently took advantage of the deep end-of-year sales at Accuquilt and bought some new dies.  One of the dies I bought is the Rising Star block-on-board, and this seemed like a great time to try it out! It's a 10" (finished) block, and I'm doing a row by row format with each row finishing at 40", so that meant making 4 blocks. They came together rather quickly.  I am using Island Batik scraps for this quilt, and intentionally did not choose one background fabric.  The background fabric from this row was also in last week's spool row, but not as background.  

So here are my three rows so far.  I haven't actually sewn my rows together yet, as I haven't decided on my layout.  That's one thing I like about doing this as a row by row, as opposed to the medallion style I've made the previous two years--I can wait longer to actually put it together, since they are all the same length.

Be sure to visit all the hosts today to see the different stars we made!  And here's the full Stay at Home Round Robin schedule if you are sewing along:


  1. A row quilt is a great idea instead of a medallion. Fewer blocks to make as you go along too!

  2. I am loving your quilt! Great work!

  3. I really like the way this row quilt is coming along. Your stars are lovely and waiting to sew the rows together until the end is a smart idea.

  4. I can't tell you how much I'm loving the row concept of this round robin. Your stars are awesome.

  5. I love your row quilt!!! This will be so adorable.

  6. Love your stars and that you are waiting to see the final arrangement. Doing this as a row by row is such a fun idea.

  7. Love your stars! The pinks and peaches with that sea blue are so pretty.

  8. Your stars are great! They make me think of fireworks. So fun!
