I'm dividing my goals into 3 sections. This is far more than I will do in 3 months, but I never know what I will be in the mood to work on, and there is no penalty for not finishing by deadline.
General Projects
1. Midnight Mystery
I've been doing the Midnight Mystery quilt hosted by Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs. I'm a little behind, but I want to at least get my top finished by her deadline of March 8th.
2. Munchkin's growth chart
So my husband decided on Munchkin's second birthday that he wished we had a growth chart. He didn't want a wall stick-um sort, so we started looking at panels. We didn't like anything, but I found some great project ideas just doing a general image search. I've meshed a few patterns together and will use some of the I Spy strips from my strip swap last year. I'm really excited about this one!
3. sewing machine cover
I've been wanting a sewing machine cover for a while now. I found a great tutorial by Vanessa of The Crafty Gemini, and I plan to use batik scraps.
4. ironing board cover
My ironing board cover is super ratty, but I haven't been able to bring myself to buy a new one. And then I figured out why--I might make one! I will use this great tutorial. I am not a selvage collector, but I do keep my I Spy strings, and I think I could make a really cool ironing board using them.
5. Produce bags
I'm not sure if this is fancy enough to qualify as a goal, but it sure is a UFO! Several Christmases ago, I made produce bags for my brother & his wife at their request. I liked them, and bought the right material to make some for myself. And that material has sat in a drawer every since. I've got all I need for this, I just need to actually do it
6. batik hexies
I've been working on a batik hexies mini.
I want to have some hand projects to work on, and this felt embroidery project that I found in a magazine looks like a scene out of my childhood.
8. Alaska cutout quilt
I bought this pattern on my honeymoon to Alaska and have been working on
it for about a year. It is very slow going, as I started by hand
quilting. I'm considering switching to machine stitching. We'll see.
Project Linus
9. Dinosaur
I found this great fabric in the craft bin at my (now former) library. I
plan to do some machine blanket stitch now that I have a machine that
can do that!
10. Circus
This circus fabric was donated to my local Project Linus chapter, and the
other ladies decided that I needed it. I have paired it with some
circus-themed I Spy squares. This one is layered and quilted, it just needs to be bound.
11. jelly roll race w/
purple sparkles
My friend Snow recently gave me a big bag of 2 1/2 inch strip scraps,
and I sorted them into 2 Jelly Roll Race quilts. I finished the first one; this is the second.
12. green, white, &
brown mini jelly roll
Did I mention that I'm into strips right now? This was a great deal on a mini jelly
roll, and I plan to use an online tutorial I recently found.
13. Snow's blocks
My friend Snow started a BOM and is now bored with it, so her finished blocks (but unfinished project) has been passed on to me.
14. wizards/stars
My mom gave me this wizard fabric, and I bought some batik fabrics with stars to go with it. I have a plan for this, I just need to do it.
15. arrow
I modified this pattern to work with 2 inch squares. I've got the arrow parts made.
16. ABC
I bought myself a Go! cutter for my birthday, and I got a lot of gift certificates for dies for Christmas. One of the dies I bought that I am itching to use is this Alphabet die. (Several projects on this list will utilize this die!) I'm going to use a pattern from Accuquilt's website and some scraps plus I Spy charms for this one.
I'm linking up with the FAL, hosted by several blogs worldwide this year.

Good luck with your list (it's always nice to see someone else with a ridiculously long list!) and thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts!