Queen Laura asked for Scrap Bag Geese in any and all shades of pink. I liked doing the geese in two parts and putting them together, so these scrappy geese were actually a lot of fun! I enjoyed these and think that all the pink geese will look amazing together. Can't wait to see them all fly!
Queen Paige designed her own tree block in honor of the Loblolly Pines in her part of South Carolina. She sent each member of our bee some ground fabric and I love it--it's the color of Carolina red clay! Paige gave us some wiggle room on the height of the block because her setting allows for variation. Good thing, because mine are not the same at all! I love these trees and think Paige's quilt will be amazing.
And while this block wasn't for a bee, it doesn't really fit anywhere else. When I was at QuiltCon way back in February, the Michael Miller booth let you pick out 4 fabrics from a list and cut you a sample of those fabrics. In return, they asked for 6" (finished) blocks that will be turned into quilts for kids' charities. I completely forgot about this until I found my fabric bundle and saw that I still had a week before the deadline. I looked through some block choices and picked out Quatrefois. I used this tutorial. I really like this block and think it's something I am likely to make again in the future.
This ends the year for me in terms of bees. Stash bee runs January-November, so this was it. Bee Inspired does have a December queen, but it's me! So I get to sit back while others make blocks for me. I really like these online bees: I make new friends and I get to try a lot of different blocks. I'm in for another year of both!

I love the leaf print you've used in the tree block Emily. I have a love hate relationship with flying geese. I'm not fond of making them but I love the look.